Your an idiot. This is a professional camera, and there is many uses for 10 frames per second.
-Sports photography (MANY professionals sports photographers will love 10fps)
-Event photographers
-Wildlife photographers
-Storm photographers
Those are the ones I can come up with off the top of my head. This is a professional level camera, meant for the professional market.
Just because your too useless to think of a purpose for the feature, doesn't mean the feature is useless.
I know professional photographers, my uncle being one. AND the head photographer of National Geographic being one (who is currently organising to give me some lessons). And both of THEM (being people with worthwhile photographic opinions) tell me that a REAL photographer doesnt need 10FPS to get a good photo.
Now. You, being the random person you are, have come here to call me an idiot. Where are YOUR facts? I have been told by these reputable photographers that on average they would snap off two or maybe three shots. NOT 10. 2-3 seems a more reasonable number no?
Consider your mentioning of "MANY professionals sports photographers will love 10fps"
Try taking 10, on-target AND in focus images of a rally car? Not going to happen.
Storm photographers would be equally able to use a large variety of other cameras. My nikon isnt even in the professional range, and it shoots to 1/4000th of a second multiple times. That is perfectly adquate for this purpose.
As for white water rafting, they arnt travelling THAT fast. So the fact that your camera can get off more shots is irrelevant compared to the timing required of the photographers.
On that note i bid you all goodnight.