I'd take the one that doesn't report in-game usage data...and that'd be Origin.
DOn't get me wrong, STEAM is cool and all, and functionality-wise, I feel it's the better option...but it spies on you...watches your clicks, button-presses, and deaths, and then sends that data to Valve.
Frankly, I can guarantee I was the first user of Origin here on TPU, because I alpha and beta tested it way back when, before EA sold titles online. Half the titles I have in my Origin account are via that testing. Origin, really, is not that great of a client, but when it was annouced that you could get BF3 only there, that was fine by me, since I already used it.
Now, really ,I don't personally care what client i gotta launch for what game. Frankly, I'd rather have none at all for BF3, especially considering the web interface too launch the game...Origin is really just a retailer, and nothing else.
I could really careless about any sort of tracking. I'd be really surprised if Steam bothered tracking every single button press. But deaths and such, thats watched, but thats for Steamworks games, not for every game. Even if it was for every game, I don't care much, the fact that any client you connect to knows your IP makes me not care so much since they know exactly where I'm at.
The only reason reason I have Origin is because of BF3. I have a few other games on there as well, but I don't play any of them. I'll continue using it to buy EA games if it's an exclusive to Origin, but thats probably as far as I will take it, until they do some vast improvements. The only real notable change I've seen since Origin released I believe back last September is a revised friends list, and that just got patched in like a month ago.
I personally like a client to launch my games. For a few reasons, like Steam keeps all my icons in the same place, then I get screen cap and uploads easily, in-game chat, ability to add these features to non-Steam games, now Steam Workshop. Just a bunch of things I like. Now if it was just a platform to launch the game, like Origin, yeah, not so much a fan of that. I launch my Origin through Steam, and renamed it to BF3, simply so I could save screens and talk to my friends list thats actually online on Steam. Then I just close Origin after since it's only useful to launch the one game I play on it.
Lol money "If " he signed up for all that BS.. Why don't you give him a call and ask him how much uber money he made.. I bet it's not much..lol.. If anything at all..
People get all bent out of shape comparing things that have no impact on their life what so ever.. My reply was simply that I didn't like it. No comparisons and unbiased.. Idc who likes it, like it all you want.. I don't.. Maybe EA will catch up one day but for now, they are waay behind in terms of digital distribution..
To be honest, you seem to be the only one bent out of shape on this. It's a simple video, using EA's intro and outro, made as a contest entry, and your first comment is the guy has no life. And your second comment is snapping saying others are bent out of shape telling people to give this guy a call... with key words like "uber money, BS, Lol". If you had said "I don't like it and x,y, and z are why.". You might get some people debating it with you, but at least they would know where you stand, rather than starting with a blanket statement.