Now you need to find the line with your DeviceID and change the name of the card. However I haven't done this for dual graphics and I'm not sure if you need to change it for both of them.
Remember that this will only work for Solidworks (you get Real View working and Ambient Occlusion).
The other option is a little program which does this without a driver modification (attached below).
Ok so I changed both device ids to different firepro cards (kind of winging it here) and the first time i booted Solidworks it worked fine, then Catalyst comes up asking me to assign a video card to Solidworks. I selected "High Performance" and the next time I launched Solidworks Realview was greyed out again. So I changed the association from "High performance" to "Power Saving" and then Solidworks crashed on my next launch.
Im installing fresh drivers now, how do I use the realhack program?