On BF2, I was always a competent enough pilot, but would get owned by pilots who were amongst basically the top fifity BF2 pilots in the world. In recent times on BF3, I have gone from being a competent pilot, to a completely shit one. I have the exact same setup in the game that I have always had in terms of the way my gamepad is configured for the aircraft etc etc. But now when I come up against any old 100 star general (and their are thousands of them around) it is like I am flying against facialclamax or PT|RATING (these guys were hot in the jets) on BF2. In otherwords, flying against just any old Tom, Dick, or Harry in the jets on BF3, has gotten to seem like how flying against the very creme de la creme in BF2 did to me (and we all know which system required far more skill to master).
When I am up against these guys, regardless of what aircraft we are in, it just seems like they can turn a whole lot faster and/or none of thier cannon shots ever miss. If they were using some kind of hack that fired of thier cannons whenever my hit box was in thier line of fire, or even just displayed my hitbox, then that may explain the sensation of feeling that they can just turn much faster than I can. Of course, it is always tempting to think that you are being cheated when you are being inexplicably pwned in an online game so is it perhaps the case that I am missing something about the flying. Are the 'best' pilots perhaps using some kind of flight joystick that gives them a massive advantage? If any accomplished pilots read this can offer any insights into what I am doing so wrong I would be pleased to hear them.
However, whilst I expect to be pwned by people who really do excell at a particular game or area of the game, it seems that on every server there are no shortage of 100 star General ace pilots around. It was not this way a few months ago and something to me just not seem right about it. I have gotten into the habit of Alt-Tab-ing out of the game and checking the stats of the 'Ace' that is pwning my ass and a familiar pattern emerges. Almost 100% of the time, my foe has a ScorePerMinute average of 700+.
For example, this
asshole has SPM of just under 1000! Now, considering what was
posted on Reddit with regards to hacking on BF3 some time ago, according to the writer of this article, anyone with a 700+ SPM average has a 80% likelihood that they use hacks to some degree, some of the time. He also states that it would be very unusual to find a server without at least one hacker playing on it.
So. Am I just shit in the jets or am I deprived of having some little extra box of tricks at my disposal that my 100 star General opponents all tend to have?
Paying, for hacks, that destroy the fun in a game but guarantee 'success' may seem like a weird and obsessive thing to do (especially for grown adult), but we are talking about PC gaming here, and I would wager that there are a much higher proportion of obsessive compulsives amongst PC gamers than amongst casual gamers or the population of large. If just 2% of BF3 players were using hacks, then that would be enough to make a mockery of most games on most servers which is what things are beginning to feel like to me.