From = Punkbuster =, 3/15/2013
For today's Friday, we had expected a product page and artworks, in the end it remains for the time being, however, a picture and a confirmation. Various gaming sites like IGN and Kotaku have during the evening, the idea of Battlefield 4 confirmed. The BF3 successor is officially 26th March presented. Parallel to confirm a first picture was released showing one of the new player models. We also had access to another collage that shows said player model with vehicles. Our impressions and brief analysis you read in the summary.
Player Model: Glock and MK14 EBR (?)
The published artwork reminiscent of the first wallpaper for Battlefield 3 .. Surrounded by office towers this time a soldier in the foreground. Unlike its predecessor, this is not shown in a casual pose, but is fully operational. In his hand he holds a Glock with Taclight, he has strapped to a gun that at first glance like a Mk 14 EBR looks with silencer and bipod. Also noticeable is the lack of combat helmet, making the face of the player models come nicely. Compared to Battlefield 3 there has been significant progress again. As can be seen clearly in the picture is, the face is due to the tension in wrinkles. BATLLEFIELD 4 WE DISCUSSED IN FORUM
Vehicles: LAV, Abrams, Jet
Little surprises brings the presentation of the vehicles. Is flanked by two of the fighters sprinting LAV-25 with M242 Bushmaster cannon and of an Abrams battle tank in the background. The right of the player model also still a U.S. jet is shown to be identified due to the overlap with the logo hardly exact. The illustrated arsenal of vehicles corresponds to the inventory in Battlefield 3, and interestingly enough, exactly the extent, were presented on the first wallpaper for the predecessor. Accordingly, we are excited to vehicles and aircraft of the other side.
Picture shows Shanghai: Scenario in the Far East
Further analysis of high-resolution graphics bring to light more details, suggesting the scenario. In addition to the player model can be found on the picture for several clips in the style of heads-up displays that show other scenes. From left to right are an explosion in a large city, a scene with a soldier, and water, the skyline of the city of Shanghai (to recognize the TV tower), a fighter jet, an Asian woman, two trucks traveling at full speed and a scene on a mountain which shows a soldier on skis and a cable car or ski lift. The scenario in the Far East is in our view also confirmed without Factsheet over.
Images: <see site>
IGN confirmed date for unveiling of BF4
Kotaku confirmed date for unveiling of BF4