by Aunt Emma, Battlefield, 4 03/28/2013 20:58
The high official start of Battlefield 4 reporting is now behind us. On Wednesday published EA DICE and a TV commercial and a 17-minute gameplay video. But the real work for us as a fan now begins in earnest. We have seen since the release for you the video several times, made images and information gathered. Emerged from this analysis is a trailer for the single player mode. We take a look at the background of the videos and combine the previous events together.
The Tombstone Squad and You
Let's take a look back again at the start of the events in the trailer. In a sinking SUV, the Tombstone squad will again. Four soldiers of the U.S. armed forces are facing a desperate situation: Irish, Sgt Dunn, Pac and Recker. The latter is to be controlled in the majority of Battlefield 4 by the player. Before the resolution of this matter, as the squad freed from the car, the viewer sees the video back to the events thus far. Specifically, the mission "Fishing in Baku", which plays in Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea. The troops are scattered after a failed transfer of information in the city and has to find himself. They are being pursued apparently by Russian Spetsnaz units, which interfered with the transfer already. For this reason, had to separate the squad apparently. After a successful and action-packed reunion they move to the pickup point. There they go, however, in a firefight with Russian troops, which later collapses in the factory building on the squad is at the time. As in so many games there is also a helicopter to break. Buried under rubble find Recker, Irish and Pac their sergeant and so the group can escape from advancing units, the player to the squad leader amputate the leg. With a simple interface Recker severed the commander's leg. Even without perfect surgical skills we wonder: can a leg cut off despite shattered bone that simple? And why do we have to do such a thing? On television, one such scenes go to the kidneys, the screen it causes more head shaking.
It continues with a wild chase between the squad in a jeep and a Russian MI-28 helicopter. The journey of the soldiers sent by Recker maneuvered the vehicle into the Caspian Sea. We are now back at the beginning of the trailer. The seriously injured Sgt Dunn is located in the back seat wedged between the seats. While the player is slowly coming around, blaring Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" from the radio. The wheels of the car groaning under the pressure of the depths of the sea. The faces and the animations Squad colleagues are so perfect that we for a moment as the middle of the game experience feel, how long no longer in a gameplay video. Finally, we see the player swim from the car wreck, as he tries to get to the surface. The really exciting thing is the sound. We hear a telephone conversation between two people, one of them is called Captain. In this conversation, it's probably for the aforementioned information received by Tombstone. According to gaming magazine
Gamestar , which was at the event in Stockholm on site, it is in the info about evidence that justify a war of aggression by the U.S. against China. In the next call is the question of the material means that the Russians Admiral Chang (China) hold. The interlocutor of the captain replied with this statement "confirms the report of our people in China." Critical remarks of the Captain that Sgt Dunn died for information that the United States already possessed. Shortly thereafter, he followed the instructions of the party: "On the east coast of China." As previously reported by us, thus confirming rumors that the campaign plays including China. We suspect that the mission in Baku will serve as an entry into the single-player mode. Three fractions are therefore play a role: the U.S., Russia and China.
Who is Hannah?
The last few seconds of gameplay trailer show then a wild montage of various scenes. First we see a panorama of a city, at a closer look in the foreground a skyscraper collapsed in on itself and destroys Idlyle. Our opinion to Shanghai there is to see, just as we previously the city already on the first artwork discovered. Then we see the players swim through a flooded building. Later, the squad travels in a boat on an aircraft carrier. Interesting fact: In the boat we can discover three people. Recker steer and logically we assume that Pac and Irish can be seen in the front part. The third person has a slouch hat on. We suspect that it is Hanna who is sitting in the boat with the Tombstone Squad. In the gameplay video is the character to see the very end and carrying said slouch. Only seconds earlier, we discover the hat in a scene on a road again. It seems as though Hanna is the informant of the U.S. in China and occupies the fourth place in the squad after Sgt Dunn was drowned in a car wreck.
Social Single Player
The scenario in Asia with the three factions USA, Russia and China first sounds exciting. What we've seen in the trailer, particularly impressive on the technical side. The Frostbite Engine 3 looks outstanding: particle effects, animations, and faces not have to hide behind the overly graphic heavyweight Cryengine. Only the water again seems not very nice. But the cool water was in the Battlefield series has never really pretty. The goal of DICE is to transport the Battlefield moments in the single player campaign. We can tell our squad to give covering fire, so we can flank the enemy. Typical Battlefield feeling comes but not when the player runs through hose level. This is exactly what happened, however, in most of the videos. What is not completely bad, because the campaign has to be structured differently than the multiplayer part. So what was shown, is simply contrary to the goal of trying to achieve that DICE. Moreover, social features to be available in the campaign. In the gameplay video we have seen already: Friends invite the player has a dogtag for hunting or show off their stats in each level. This fits in our opinion not the seriousness of the campaign that will be sought with the backstory. We also take the concept of "always-on" time in the room. Without constant online connection, this is probably not feasible. We were already satisfied if we disable this feature in the options just might. Otherwise, the next few weeks will be very interesting. The next material we expect the latest from E3 in June