I do. But I can tell you, I see no difference so far. What I do see, is a difference in voltages needed for my 4.6 GHz clock. This serves the same function as "max OC". A CPU will ALWAYS require the same current to push a specific clock(until damaged). So then, it's matter of how efficient boards supply power...which power consumption testing and load voltages cover.
So, while "max OC" may show one board does better than others, the same data can be gleaned form what I already present, although you might need to think about it a bit.
I have these boards already, with more coming, so my testing is not from limited attempts.:
Also, do keep in mind that in my books, gaming boards are reviewed against gaming boards, OC against OC, mITX vs mITX.... In the coming weeks, I think this may prove to show why I do things the way that I do, but rest assured that I do test every single angle although all results may not be reported in reviews. If a board seems to overclock far better than another, I'll definitely report that. IN the end, I should be picking one "best" board form each user category.