Do you have the 'Metro: Last Light' and 'Sniper Elite V2' charts switched?
90 fps in Metro would be impressive.
lowest settings, 1200x800. Because it's a nastily optimized benchmark, I report maximum FPS. This allows things like memory performance increases to show. The benchmark results are slightly varied, of course but not by that much, surprisingly.
Sniper Elite V2
Automatic benchmark, no settings available. I do have to sit there and capture the screenshot manually, though:
And yes, I keep screenshots of all benchmark results posted. I don't even pay attention to results when collecting them..I watch benchmarks for rendering errors or other issues, not actual performance. If you'd like to see other results because you question them, please ask. I'd love to end such comments forever. I don't care about who wins in my reviews, and I value my integrity.
Needs Hybrid Crossfire reviews (in depth)!!1! And what settings/resolution did you bench the games in? I mean I realize that is sort of beside the point of this review, but still.
I don't do GPU reviews. Had AMD supplied me with a VGA for testing Dual Graphics, as they should have given to all reviewers if they wanted it featured, I would have included those numbers. I did include those numbers in the last APU review, but I paid for that GPU out of my own pocket, and it cost me $100. Doing reviews should never cost ME money out of pocket. So I sold that GPU and no longer have it. They are lucky I used 2133 MHz memory, even.
What you described is exactly what happens all the time and for example semiacurate did just that today ie 6800k v 3770k wherein the four cored apu has half (ish) the performance of a 8logic cored cpu (most sites are just as biased *but not*tpu) , idiots.
I commend that you did not do that, nice work dave and good review

Through other reviews available here on TPU, we do have numbers comparing everything, but sometimes you have to read all of the reviews to get the full picture. All of us reviewers cover different content, and different aspects of the same things, even, as with the Haswell launch, but the best information comes from all the stuff combined together.
Intel didn't send me a chip for this review, or for Haswell reviews. I did put in requests to them that went unanswered. I have sponsored retail chips for board and memory reviews.
Intel kind of has the i3s as a competition for these APUs and I don't think Haswell parts have been launched yet. Anyway, nothing new here from previous generation, for new builders might be a choice for cheap DOTA, Starcraft 2 or some browser games machine. As you said, it's great for kids to get into the PC experience although I'm not sure one can convince them with all this mobile brainwashing crap floating everywhere around us.
Ha! Yeah ,the mobile stuff definitely does add it's own twist to the market. I do have many ideas how that can be used to any company's advantage, but that's long-term thinking, not the short game. Really that's why I think most companies have no problem with things the way that they are now...they ARE playing the long game, after all.
I mean really...a 5 GHz APU, on AIO watercooling? You guys did catch that, right? I could have lowered CPU clocks, and pushed the GPU further, maybe, or vice versa...