For the Haswell CPU's I've tried, it seems that the chipset & controller improvements meant to be paired with a Haswell chip actually influence benchmarks and performance more than the CPU when a Z77 based mobo is used.
The benchmarks I'd love to see since I see this effect myself a bit, are benchmarks with different combination of the previous generation chipset/controllers AND CPU's set in them.
Z77 + Ivy Bridge CPU
Z87 + Ivy Bridge CPU
Z77 + Haswell CPU
Z87 + Haswell CPU
If anyone can do it reasonably simply, that is what I'd love some quick numbers regarding. Since Haswells seem to have such a tiny miniscule improvement when put in a mobo of the previous chipset, yet many aspects of my system are increased monumentously when it's in the Z87 chipset to work with. For example, my SSD speeds are way better on a Lynx Point chipset even though it's the same SSD being used each time. It's obvious a new chipset would be better but I'd love to know exactly how much better
Can't wait for the next bench, keep them coming