
its a Athlon 64 not a XP since the XP was Socket A (462) only
but indeed win 7 can runn well on that, bring up the pics of the beast!
system pec: windows pro french? uh?
yes indeed and thats why mostly the total idiotic buyers go balistic on bidding either way because they are fanboy or mislead by the thought : Intel = the ultimate and only solution.
me im just a lucky one i spot a good offer that no one has spoted and kablam 265$ for a complete system, with some extra
for instance i just got outbid on a i7-980X and 2 minutes later the price is at 850chf ... whataaaa bunch of ahhh whatever...
now i cant decide ... a leap motion at 50chf instead of 100 (brand new) or a i7-3820 at 150chf and assemble a 2011 setup next time
i recieved the i7 weirdest delivery i got a ASUS P6T SE within and the 12gb ram with a notice that i will recieve the Rampage before the end of the week

i was WTF i get 2 1366 Mobo and the CPU/RAM for 100$? is it my birthday?
awesome new the ram slot on a 1366 are a half centimeter from the Macho with the fan instaled: no need for LP ram like AM3/3+
weirdest win7 instalation i prepared to reinstall all since i went from a AMD AM3 to a Intel 1366 but it booted without BSOD and all the driver automaticaly installed reboot and all runs fine

i just had to re activate win
drat my e-tailer is out of TY-147 so i went for a 2nd TY-141 white still the IFX doesnt have the 1366 hole setup but the P6T has double setup (775/1366) i hope the Rampage will be same or i will use the Macho for it aswell.