Sorry, I spent the last 4 weeks on modding and finishing the project instead of taking lots of photos for the work log. Here are some of the photos together with explanations. I'am a student and working at the same time. I only have few hours a day and few days a week to mod. I cant really spend my time taking photos instead. Maybe on my project, ill share more of my worklog. I wish I have a buddy who can do all the photography for me. lol. Anyway, enjoy the photos. Tools used : Jigsaw, Rotary tool, different sizes of bits, router, metal saw, and etc. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you!
First 360 RAD I custom made for the project.
New custom made 360 RAD mount.
The Case : CM Storm Trooper Case.
Disassembled the case and test fit of the mobo in 90 degrees orientation.
Custom MOBO tray, top layer.
Double-layeedr custom mobo tray.
Measuring where to make the bend for the side strip cover.
Some tools!
Top view.
Manually measuring the placement of holes for custom water channel
Acrylic pieces!
Cementing a small piece on each plate for added support on fittings.
Just.... my legs. lol
arm and leg worth of fittings.
PSU Shroud in 2D lol.
Home made acrylic bender.
First stage of the PSU shroud
It fits perfectly!
With the fittings, looks good at this stage.
Tapping the acrylic pieces. One of the most intense and toughest part of this mod. Luckily, it didnt break.
Cementing the acrylic pieces to the water channel block.
Just some crafting. First time doing this. Covering the back panel cover with plastic resin.
Time for painting!
Sexy black. Love the result of this air can paint. The end results always looks like a powdered covered paint.
Done with the last coating!
Custom routed plate for the PSU shroud.
Was so excited at this point to finish it!
IMAGINATION pieces for the PSU shroud. They're so small and pain in the ass gluing it on the shroud!
Used the cutout on the acrylic to place and glue each pieces on the shroud.
Almost done with the custom back panel cover.
Time for painting!
Mounted the SSD at the back!
This custom back panel cover is reinforced with a aluminum plate at the back.
Custom back plate with the built in reservoir and two 120mm exhaust fan.
Cementing the custom reservoir to the back panel!
my 5TB HDDs as weights when cementing the custom reservoir!
Done and ready for painting!
Added a red accent to the custom back panel cover.
done painting the back panel! Read for the coolant and the fans.
Perfect result. No leak!
Installed the two 120mm fans inside the custom back panel.
Starting to look finished.
Glued some acrylic pieces for the custom GPU Plate.
Painted it with Fiery red!
GPU backplates and the custom CPU plate
Covered the red part with modders tape and cut the details using xacto knife.
BLACK again!
Custom cover for the double layered mobo tray for a cleaner look!
Done bending the tubings!