it's not backlight bleed. monitor has too high brigheness. use googletranslate and read prad review.
it also has 2nd color option but cant remember if it was full silver or full black with silver only infront below panel.
"Ich habe mal folgen Text hinzugefügt, was Deine Frage klärt: Während der XB2779QS-S1, wie unser Testmodell, silbern ist, ist der
XB2779QS-B1 schwarz. Ansonsten sind die Geräte absolut identisch. Aus diesem Grund verzichten wir im weiteren Test auf den Zusatz."
XB2779QS-B1 is black version
Helligkeit Hersteller Gemessen Schwarzpunkt Kontrast
100 % 350/440 cd/m² 408 cd/m² 0,35 cd/m² 1164:1
50% k.A. 284 cd/m² 0,25 cd/m² 1134:1
0 % k.A. 159 cd/m² 0,14 cd/m² 1135:1
In the specifications for Iiyama XB2779QS a standard brightness of 350 cd / m² typical brightness of 440 cd and / m² is given. In the user setting mode , we measured a maximum brightness of 407.7 cd / m² . The Iiyama XB2779QS has an unusually high brightness for a consumer monitor, similar to the HP ZR24w . Reducing the backlight brightness to 0 percent , the luminance is still 158.9 cd / m² .
This high brightness also has a higher black point which moves result in the range from 0.14 to 0.35 cd / m² . In particular, for light-sensitive users , the brightness of Iiyama XB2779QS be a real problem . In a dimly lit room can be too bright even the lowest brightness setting. But may be too bright for the Iiyama XB2779QS not a natural and almost no artificial light source . Over the entire dimming range , the monitor achieves a contrast ratio > 1100:1 .
We investigate the brightness distribution and image homogeneity in a white test image we measured at 15 points . This leads to the brightness difference in percentage and the DeltaC (ie, the chroma difference) with respect to the central value measured.
Links: brightness distribution , right: a white color homogeneity test image .
When Iiyama XB2779QS the average brightness deviation is only 3.3 percent. The highest deviations in the upper left and right corner of the display are only about 7 percent . A very good result here that the Iiyama XB2779QS shows .In the color homogeneity , the result is similar to well . On the display edges we measure higher deviations , but all remain well below 3 DeltaC . With the naked eye, no stains are visible.