Pros: Slick BIOS interface, lots of other options...
Cons: Difficult to get the thing to boot...see other thoughts.
Other Thoughts: Here's the deal: I bought this board about a month and half ago - and only now got around to setting it up. No matter what I did, all I would get was 1 long beep, 2 short beeps on POST - indicated that it couldn't init the video!
Now - I had bought an AMD X4 740X (socket FM2 - no integrated GPU); I didn't want a GPU because I was dropping in an NVidia 9800 GX2. Reading the manual, though, seemed to indicate that I would either have to buy a processor with integrated graphics - or a different mobo.
I tried everything to get this thing to show video - two different video cards, different cables, swapping ram, resetting bios, etc - no dice! Then I started pricing mobos, cpus, etc (even thinking intel stuff) - realizing I couldn't return anything, and that I might have just bit the dust.
Then I realized one option I didn't try: The PCI slot on the mobo. Out to my junkpile!
Dug up an old 4 meg S3 PCI VGA card - dropped it in, booted - and success - well, sorta. I had video. I could get into the BIOS - but things were wonky; I was getting errors and other junk. So I dug some more - and found an old 8 meg Trident PCI card. Popped that in - and all better. I could nav around the BIOS.
So I found the settings for the integrated graphics adaptor - set it to disable the internal, and "boot" from the PEG (external adaptor, I think). Once I had done that, I verified things with a reboot. Still coming up on the Trident. Popped out the Trident, hooked up the NVidia card - rebooted - AND SUCCESS!
This would have been impossible without my junk pile. I wonder how many people this has happened to, who didn't have a junk pile - and ended up sending stuff back (or worse - like in my case - perhaps eating the cost!)?
I don't know if this will help anyone, but I hope it maybe will. I don't have a better review yet. My intent is to get this puppy packaged back up into the case (took it out of case just to make sure a short wasn't happening), then run memtest for a long while on it. If all goes well, then it will be on to installing crunchbang - hopefully things will continue to go well...
Wish me luck!