LOL, I've played through the game at least 3 times now, and this response only further exemplifies what I'm talking about when it comes to your extreme exaggerations. Fast travel and radio towers in and of themselves, somehow make it just like FC3? Never mind that games like Skyrim have fast travel, is IT like WD too? And there are TONS of games that have objects that unlock items on the map. Never mind as well that the ctOS towers involve far more than that.
I've played all 3 o f those games several times through and they aren't as similar as you make them out to be. Hey, here's one for ya. The Focus Boost is called "Meds" and slows down time. Better cry foul, that sounds a lot like a Max Payne clone. They're combining Painkillers and Bullet Time from that game. LOL
Point being, you didn't just mention your views, you cried foul over trivial, vague similarities as if they are rippoffs and deal breakers. As soon as I mention how exaggerated your "views" are (which 2 others seem to have agreed upon via their thanks), you come out with assumptions about my experience with the game and childish, passive aggressive insults, making it all the more obvious your emotions are too out of control to be judging ANY games, or gamers for that matter.
The most ridiculous and offensive part is your implying anyone that doesn't agree with your absurd viewpoints hasn't played the game and is mentally deficient, not to mention bordering on breakage of forum rules. I think you need a "Psycho break" yourself kid, your gaming is leading to distortion of reality.