Ok, I have news and an update. But First, last nights Number's!!
Nothing quizzical about last night. We produces a better number and we moves up in the standings!!
Simple, I like that.
Ok, news or newsie, or info for better health, if you have a Primary Care Doctor, be sure you can understand him, or her.
My Doc, a very qualified Doctor, I am sure, is a Moung man with a strong accent. I often have to ask him what he just said.
He called me last Friday and left a message that lead me to believe I had a low Testosterone level and he was gonna send me some supplements. I recieved the package last night, after work. It is a Thyroid medicine to treat HypoThyroidism.
So, I spent the better part of last night and most of this morning researching it. My conclusion is that I am inadvertently, through research and diet changes for T levels, improving my Pituitary Gland. Which plays a role in almost everything in your body's hormonal system.
However, I came across some information particular to Thyroid conditions and the interaction of the Pituitary Gland.
Iodine. Apparently, Iodine is an essential part of Pituitary Glandular Health. The Great Lakes Area, of which I reside, was called the Goiter Belt, in the past because of low iodine levels in the ground around these parts.
So, I came across a few, 3, types of Iodine supplement. I chose the best based on a consensus of patients and doctors and wholistics.
Update-ish: I plan to not take the recommended three drops, it's a liquid, a day because it is a large dose. I don't want to play with the opposite side, HyperThyroidism, no!
That comes with a side of shit I don't want!
Anyways, in the vein of, 'I don't want to be medicated', I am going to do a drop a day.
Along with my new diet, more Peanuts, Broccoli, spinach and Omega 3,6,9, Plus a drop of Iodine supplement and my normal Vitamins (Oh, I forgot, Red Meat protein...well, any Animal protein over Soy Protein. Unless you are Lactose intolerant, Soy ain't so good for ya.).
Starting in the next few weeks, I am led to believe I will find a whole new source of energy and vitality, along with a better functioning brain! Look out World! I might just try to up my IQ testing scores!! With any luck, I might move into the top 10%!
Well, you heard it here first. My plan to take over the World has begun! I promise to be a gentle ruler with a big freaking stick.