It's worse than PhysX currently because only recent AMD GPU's support it and given the snafu with regards to pre-existing Mantle games that support older versions of GCN needing patches from the publisher to support Tonga, it seems support is not guaranteed as GCN evolves. Try getting Activision to release a patch more than a month (or often a week) after release. Meanwhile, PhysX is supported by multiple generations of product.
Say what you like, but PhysX is actually better atm than Mantle in terms of support.
Now go look up what Intel said. Intel tried to find out more info about Mantle and do you know what AMD told them? "Not giving you anything. Maybe later." I'm paraphrasing, but you can look it up.
AMD told Intel that Mantle is still in beta and they are not currently sending out info on it until it's finalized. Kinda shoots a hole in your whole, "nVidia's bad cuz they won't support it" theory, don't it?
Intel WANTED to investigate supporting it and AMD said no. By the time AMD actually got around to saying no, Intel had already decided DX12 was the better way to go. Which is the same as nVidia's take.
If anyone is to be blamed for Mantle being unsupported by other vendors, it's AMD, not anyone else.
In some PC Games, PhysX isn't working properly. An excuse that came from those developers were stating that NVidia hasn't constructed the codes to use PhysX for their MMO game in the manner in which it is needed, and that's why the PhysX support they had for their game, doesn't work. So the box says PhysX supported, but PhysX doesn't work...
In other news, World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, another game that seems to do well on NVidia Graphic Cards, isn't using PhysX for the purpose of boosting up Frame Rate Performance because of the amount of Particle Effects that are generated in raids, on older, outdated computers. Instead, they have gotten rid of MSAA, and replaced it with either FXAA or CSAA. In addition, they have added features were if you're character's camera view isn't watching other characters animate their particle effects, they would be faded out so it doesn't take a large toll on the CPU side. This is my point. You speak so highly of PhysX and how it's better than AMD Mantle. In most games, AMD Mantle work, and in the games that support PhysX, they either work, don't work, or just provide less than 1% performance gains. The list of games that support AMD Mantle is about to outpace, or has outpaced the amount of PC and MMO games that support PhysX. If World of Warcraft felt the same way as you, devoted, blindly delusional about this idea that NVidia is bleeding edge tech, do you think PhysX would have been implemented in World of Warcraft for the sole purpose of improving performance with the increase amount of Particle effects. No. Sadly, Blizzard-Activation haven't implemented it into WoW due to not wanting to use it, seeing cheaper and more efficient way to solve the issue, or feeling that forcing their customers to purchase NVidia Graphic Cards over AMD would diminish their hemorrhaging community. Simple and short, having PhysX wouldn't be in the game's best interest. It's probably not in a lot of game's best interest.
Just waiting for payday, which is this friday... then Maxwell baby here I come!
AMD will be just fine, sure they don't exactly rack in the cash, but they have loyal fans with Ruby posters over their beds and everything.
1. Really no point in buying a GTX 970 when in a few months, GTX Titan-Maxwell will be out. If you want to go for the best, saving some funds on the side would do you good.
2. Isn't GTX 970 and 980 still dropping frames on single and SLI like mad still unless you take G-Sync Monitor Route? Dropping frames on a single card, isn't that worst than dropping frames on SLI/CrossfireX setups. Well, I feel it is.
Personally, I am waiting for that 3rd party benches of 22nm R9-390x with Stacked VRam and GTX Titan-Maxwell before I make another investment. One of my bigger investments that I would love to make is purchasing a $4,000.00 88key Korg Khronos X Workstation Syth just for song production alone... At the moment, I can only dream, or wait till Xmas

Was I, for example, meant to continue with my 5850 crossfire disappointment because it's better to stay loyal than have a better solution?
AMD 5000 Series was pretty bad back in the days. I can agree with you on this.
Not quite or only in your imagination.
In my imagination, with a pinch of being down to Earth and rational, I think secretly, all NVidia consumers want NVidia to monopolize the Gaming Graphic Card market because they want the Government to determine how NVidia should price their products, and competition isn't really necessary in our ever changing pursuit of entertainment and pretty colors. The arguments of AMD 7990 woe and driver fails are arguments in the past that are getting weaker and weaker by the day.