Asking for a new piece of hardware is beyond the scope of what should be taken as serious consideration for a donation for sure.
To be fair if it was 2 sticks of DDR2 that was lost it should be replaced with 2 sticks of DDR2 of equal value, if even considered at all that is.
If a person lost a cooler and has been down for some time, says as much but "expects" a replacement let alone a better performing cooler? It may be a long wait especially if a fan is all that is needed.
If a long serving member with minimal means is handed a new threaded processor just because the "Board" thinks it will benefit not only them but the team as a whole, like during challenges. Then "this" is where we need to make the decision if we as WCG members want to be involved by donating in the first place.
Overall if a person is not comfortable with the notion that an elected board of well respected members (inc a
non affiliated during decision time site mod) are able to distinguish between someone just wanting a free ride or if they should be considered then it is their decision whether to donate.
Maybe the board could incorperate "qualify" rules like, been crunching for at least a year, has a total of xxx amount of days contributed, was actively involved in the last 5 or 6 challenges or maybe is one of the go to team members for Tech info and troubleshooting.
A panel of 5 or 6 active peers could make that decision easily. If only the treasurer knew the balance they would then ask if funds are available to gift. If not then it will have to wait. If so then that well deserving member has a deeper sense of our community and knows that we all care.
Should there be a total cap? Maybe. Should we all donate? No. Only if you have the means and feel good about it.
I don't mean to bleed at the mouth here guys, I just think if handled the right way, by the right people, it would just give us one more notch on the best Wcg team out there pole. Not to mention making some of our peers very happy.
Also as mentioned before, during a challenge if a component needs to be had for a Kreij memorial then at that time a call could be made to us members via
CHC oops sorry
@xvi Taco to help out if we can. Imagine a 4770k or a 970 being the star of one of Kreij's rigs. And having the funds to ship. Again by board vote only and only if after some time some serious surplus has mounted. Baby steps.

I for one am in for seeing someone win something like that. But I would be just as happy knowing that someone got to continue posting points or started posting more points can or does because we care.

Edit: Honestly I have stated my case almost to the point of being annoying. Lol. I leave this to the gods as it were.