While computer hardware is nice and all it should not be your priority. Get stable income so that you can find a place to rent and be your own man or to be able to pay the bills that you are currently being asked.
Make sure first that you can live hustle free not worrying if you will have electricity, food or wifi when you get home, that you can go out with friends and grab a
beer coke (just realized you have to be 21 in the us
) not being ashamed that you can't afford one. Socializing and having friends is important and while i can write nice words here on the forum I can't be there when you are in real need, like a place to crash or dinner to share. They become even more important if you dont have a healthy relationship with your parents (this is a conclusion i jumped to by what you have been writing, sorry if i am mistaken). And remember always have some on the side for rainy days that should be enough for at least a months worth of rent, bills and food.When all that has been satisfied then you can go and buy stuff be it pc hardware, traveling around , snowboarding gear, car / bike or whatever is on your top priority list.
This is something I have learned by leaving my nest right after turning 19 (albeit my decision was supported by my family and we have a good relationship which has helped me thru some very difficult times). I have worked bunch of part time jobs from cleaning and working night shifts to chauffeuring ambassadors. Now 6 years later I have 2 stable part - time jobs (one of them is 90% night shift) that pay me enough to have a good life and I am but few months away of getting my master engineering degree and a proper paying job. Sorry for the long off topic but I felt the need to share this with a fellow TPU member that could end up in a similar situation