I hear you there and the logic is sound indeed. But don't you just hate putting it off once you have it in mind..?
As for me, bigBox is completely torn down now, gpu and CPU blocks sitting in a tub of vinegar getting cleaned, and I'm going to flush both rads tonight because who knows what's in there.
Coming from El blood red coolant, therec was a bit of gunk in the blocks, CPU block in particular. I'm switching back to distilled. Just bought 4 gallons of distilled water for some good flushing.
I think I'm done with coolant

it looks good for a little bit, but then the tubes darken anyway and it's lost. Plus, when I had a leak, the red is impossible to get out if the grout

so I'm going to purchase some new tubing tonight and just go with some red tubing, maybe black, not sure. Debating on whether I want to go for uv tubing or just black...