Suggested settings for Mushkin Enhanced PC3200?
I would kindly like to ask about suggested settings for best performance of these Mushkin Enhanced PC3200 sticks with Winbond BH-6 chips in them, IIRC. I currently running one stick (dunno where the others are, but I look them up) of this 512MB dimm into Sapphire PI-A9RX480 mobo (S939) at these settings - bold ones I did not understand well:
Sapphire Grouper A9RX480 mobo settings, Opteron 148
FSB bus frequency - 279Mhz
HTT divider ratio - 800Mhz or 4x
CPU FSB multiplier - 10
PCIExpress frequency - 111
To get the idea what settings are there, take a look:
Radeon Xpress 200 Voltage - Default (1.22V)
CPU Voltage - Default (1.40V)
HTT Voltage - Default (1,22V)
PCI-E 1.2 Voltage - Default (1,22V)
PCI-E 1.8 Voltage - Default (1,80V)
HT Link Configuration - Enabled
Upstream LDT Bus Width - 16bit
Downstream LDT Bus Width - 16bit
LDT Bush Frequency - 800Mhz (4 x FSB)
NB HT PLL Control - Manual
PLL High Speed Mode - High Speed
PLL Stability Calibration - 00 (00 - 1F)
Memclock DRAM Frequency divider - 166 (that give about 231MHz for the rams)
Refresh Period (Tref) - 200 - 7.8us
1T/2T mem timing (Command Per Clock) - 1T
Read Preamble Time - 5,5ns
Async Latency value - 7ns
R/W Queue Bypass Count - 16x
Dynamic Iddle Counter - Disabled
IdleCycle Limit - 256 cycles
Bypass Max - 7
Memory DQ Drive Strength - Not Reduced
ODD divisor correct - Disabled
DRAM Drive Strength - Normal Drive
DQS Hysteresis - Disabled
Burst20pt - Disabled
Digital Locked Loop (DLL) - Enabled
Disable Jitter - Disabled
DDR Memory Drive Strength - Nominal
Dual DIMM - Auto
DLL Speed Override - Enabled
DLL Speed - High Speed
32 Byte Granularity - Disabled
currently running at 200MHz Mushkin Ehnanced PC3200 settings:
TCL - 2
TRAS - 6
TRCD - 2
TRP - 2
TRRD - 2
TRC - 8
TRFC - 24
TRWT - 2
TWTR - 2
TWR - 2
What I aim at is this:
1) I would like to know how best set the timings (mainly the ones in bold)
2) I would like to know, what settings to relax fist, when I hit a wall with pushing clock up (IIRC at 216MHz first problems arise with the 2-2-2-6 settings)
PS. TWTR set to 1 - no chance in speed, so, useless

TRWT set to 1 - and from 1610 we get to 1635MB/s

Not bad, not bad

TRFC - when set to 9 the ram did not made it and the mobo is just desperately beeping. Settings 16, 14 and 12 works, but absolutely no increase (and no decrease either) in speed. 11 is tested right now in Prime95 and looks like it is holding well...
According to the french tweakers ( ) it should be:
optimal TRAS = TCL + TRCD + 2 ( in this case then 6 )
optimal TRC = TRAS + TRP ( in this case then 8 )
...and the TREF the bigger the better. That make sense, because the faster the ram need to be refreshed, the less time remain for CPU to access it... But it is the TREF setting named in this mobo as TRFC...?
Also I'm very interesed about te
Memory DQ Drive Strength setting - they write in this overclock quite:
...that setting Not reduced if good for CPUs with CG and D revision/stepping. On the other hand, for CPUs with revision/stepping E should be the drive strenght lowered to reach maximum overclock. For example with Samsung TCCD 512MB ram and revision/stepping E is necessary to lower the
Memory DQ Drive Strength to 50%.
So the million dollar question is, what revision/stepping my Opteron 148 have: me this looks like as revision E, so the lowering of the DQ Drive Strenght should be in order...?
PS2. Trying first little steps by overclocking it and I hit wall right away... 210MHz did not boot to Win, 209 will, but never finish even SuperPi 1M test, so... bad bad overclocking. I must do something very wrong...