...So.... let's talk.
Titanfall was meant to be a game where a bunch of people could play the game. More acutely put, the game is multiplayer only. Anyone still playing this game? Everyone I've known, that bought the game, are watching it collect dust. Those that aren't looking at a dusty disk are complaining about finding any matches, unless they love a single game type.
Knowing this, why does anyone want Titanfall 2? They've got a game that can't be replayed in a couple of years, and they've got nothing else. The fact that they're currently giving away all the DLC for free should let you know that Titanfall isn't doing well. If the first is generally a flop, then why make a sequel?
Before the bashing begins, Mech Warrior was amazing, Tribes is sublime, and Unreal Tournament is unparalleled fun. Despite being great components, Titanfall just couldn't make it work without some kind of single player. To be blunt; fish tastes good, pudding is tasty, and kimchi is awesome. A kimchi, fish and pudding dish is terrible.