Well GPU cores in software that can be accelerated by them runs much faster but that is not much software to start with. Most software that people would use that is GPU accelerated in such a way usually more pro end software and likely those people will spend a lot on hardware to begin with. Look at the slides AMD put out claiming their apu match's an i7 in mobile side, All those benchmarks the compare with are all GPU accelerated ones which AMD has big edge on.
But you just pointed out the POINTLESSNESS of the whole thing as those running the kind of high end AV and specialty software like 3D CAD that can actually USE those GPU cores are NOT gonna be running AMD APUs for such CPU intensive tasks, not when they can get a MUCH more powerful GPU for MUCH cheaper and pair it with more real CPU cores!
The simple fact is IMHO the entire APU concept makes ZERO sense with the exception of mobile. In a laptop where space is a premium and power is severely limited? Then sure having the CPU and GPU on one die cuts down the costs and power usage, but on a desktop? Even if you get the lowest end APU you are still getting ripped off, I mean look at the prices, you can get a dual core APU with an HD8300 for $69 OR you can go to some place like Biiz and pick up an FX4300 with four REAL cores that will do any task (not just the extremely limited GPU accelerated ones) for the same money. By the time you figure the increased cost of the APU over the CPU, the need for much faster RAM compared to the CPU as the GPU side of an APU is ALWAYS starved for memory bandwidth? you will simply never come out ahead as even the lowest end GPU with dedicated GDDR 5 memory (which as I said is just $60, the GeForce 610 or 710 IIRC) with just slaughter the thing without effort!
Look I'm about as hardcore an AMD supporter as they come, I have 6 AMD PCs in my family going back to my father's Phenom I quad all the way up to the FX8300 of the youngest, but if you are not running a laptop? There just isn't a selling point for their APUs, there just isn't. If you build a machine with the least expensive APU and I build the least expensive CPU+GPU the increased cost of the APU is gonna make it a losing proposition,just compare the lowest ACTUAL quad core APU with the same on the AM3+ side and its not even funny how lopsided it is, you can get 4 REAL cores AND a GPU for less than the APU quad so no matter how you slice it? It just doesn't make sense.