To both NerdShowAndTell & atomdude, Hypersli no longer works, the latestest drivers it supports are 335.23 (or a revision close to this number), uninstall hypersli (re-run the hypersli installer and select 'uninstall', reboot your computer
before proceeding further).
Read through all my instructions first before starting!
*****If you have hypersli installed, run the hypersli installer and uninstall it and reboot your computer before proceeding!******
Hypersli doesn't support current nvidia drivers! That's why it doesn't work anymore...
1. Go to, select your operating system and video board in the list, download the driver installer. If you already have 355.60 drivers installed, ignore
this step.
2. Download my patched drivers here:
Here's the download links for the patched 355.60 64 bit win7 & win10 patched drivers:
This driver is for windows 7, 8, & 8.1 64-bit
alternate download link:
alternate download link:
For now at least, I'm going to provide only 1 set of alternate download links, this seems to be
good enough, I checked a few multi-host upload sites, but they have restrictions on
copyrighted material (among other things), and this driver might be considered as such,
if a link goes bad or something, just tell me here and I can re-upload to the same site.
3. Go to and download the 1.3 release file.
4. Unpack differentsli into a folder of your choice.
5. Unpack my patched nvlddmkm355.60.rar file into the same folder where you put differentsli.
6. Install nvidia's official drivers (355.60).
7. Go back to where differentsli is installed, you might need to pause your anti-virus program too.
8. Open a command prompt (administrator version) and run the Install.cmd, it should say it was successful, if it says there was a problem, don't continue, post here as to what the error was. Unpause your anti-virus program.
9. Reboot your computer, once it's back up, go to your nvidia control panel and activate sli mode.
These instructions are for windows 10 64-bit
These instructions were posted by MightyRufo.
Here's specific instructions on how to install the windows 10 driver:
I've figured it out! But unfortunately, it leaves us with a painful solution. I've done all the steps, driver installed and SLI is working (YES!!).. However, in order to get it to work. Windows Driver Signature Enforcement must be disabled, as we already knew. Problem is, in order to actually boot with DSE off.. You must access the startup options of Windows 10 to boot into the advanced startup menu and then choose 7 to boot with Driver Signature Enforcement off... Every time you boot.. I've also went ahead and tried to disabled this permanently, through cmd with some commands.. Apparently doing such has been removed or disabled in Windows 10. It cannot be turned off permanently. I'm not sure if this is a Windows 10 thing but I did read somewhere that, that is the case.
So, the process is as follows for us Windows 10 users.
1. Install drivers from Nividia
2. Check for Windows Updates. Let Windows download 353.62 display driver form Nvidia
3. Restart your computer (Usually windows will prompt you to restart upon installing this driver)
4. Download DifferentSLIAuto (1.3.1 as of today) and then extract it wherever:
5. Download Jbailey8's 355.60 patched Nvidia driver:
6. Put the patched Nvidia driver into your DifferentSLIAuto folder.
7. Locate the Install.cmd file, then right click it and run it as administrator
Once it's finished, it should look like this:
However, sometimes it's not able to copy the driver into your system, resulting in this: (0 files copied)
If it did not copy the driver over, move to the next step. If it did, move to step 10
8. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers and locate the file named nvlddmkm.sys
9. Rename this file, doesn't mater what you rename it. But keep in mind, you can use it as a backup. I renamed mine nvlddmkmBACKUP.sys
9. Copy the nvlddmkm.sys patched driver in your DifferentSLIAuto folder to the same folder where you renamed nvlddmkm.sys
10. This part is a little tricky. Click Restart while holding shift until you see "Please Wait". You'll get an advanced menu.
a. Click on Troubleshoot
b. Advanced Options
c. Startup Settings
d. Then click Restart
This guide may help and the process is the same for Windows 10:
11. When shown the advanced startup menu, press number 7 on your keyboard. (NOT F7, which doesn't seem to work for me)
12. Windows will start with Driver Signature Enforcement disabled. (You must repeat step 10, every time you boot windows, otherwise windows will NOT load the patched driver. Even with Test Mode on)
13. Right click on your desktop and click on NIVIDIA Control Panel, then check to see if you can enable SLI and then enable it, of course. (Not all motherboards will work with this, it's a hit or miss)
14. Verify it's working. In the Nvidia Control Panel, click 3D Settings (NOT Manage 3D Settings) at the top, next to Help and Desktop and click Show SLI Visual Indicator.
15. Run a SLI compatible game of your choice. You should see a bar on the left side of your screen. The greener the bar, the better SLI is performing. Do these same steps to disable it.
And wallah, enjoy!