Milestones Today
None, Nobody, Nada! 
Nice Work TPU Folders!
Not sure if this is a normal trend but, I can see how it would happen, WU's don't follow the same schedule as the 24 hour clock does. Point is, everyone is on a down day. So,
tomorrow could be an UP day, Right?
Users Returning Work : 15/768 (1.95%)
So, today,
EVERYONE is in the Top 20!!
Looks like, at this rate, it will be
over a year before we overtake anyone. But this next chart, means we have
less than a year to defend our place!
I thinks it is
time to start recruiting some more Folders. Even getting
some part timers would help a bunch! I understand, energy costs, heat...but, there's
gotta be a couple more folks out there who can
manage it!!
Put the Word out!!
Fry those GPU's!!

P.S. My little 7850 grabs another slice!!