Looking at the boinc version history, because I was wondering what actually makes it worthwhile to upgrade. I found something interesting.
- Add support for ASIC Miners.
- Suspending GPUs should not suspend Bitcoin Miners
These are interesting because it means some projects are at least planning to support bitcoin asics. I would expect certain older asics to be getting cheap, and on those certain projects should have exceptional ppd/watt.
I also upgraded from 7.4.42 to 7.6.6. It is actually pretty different. They changed the menus. The later versions officially support windows 10, although I have 7.4.42 working fine on windows 10.
Since I now know you can see the numbers from boincs built in benchmark, I decided to test if there was a difference from 7.4.42 to 7.6.6. I did not expect any, but I had an increase on my whetstone score on two systems which makes we wonder if it was not coincidence. Both times I tested, I ran the the benchmark twice and recorded the highest score. Each time tested was after a reboot.
2500k - 4709 Whet - 14747 Dhry - Boinc 7.4.42
2500k - 5591 Whet - 1396 Dhry - Boinc 7.6.6
G3258 - 3298 Whet - 13565 Dhry - Boinc 7.4.42
G3258 - 3975 Whet - 13382 Dhry - Boinc 7.6.6
2217u - 1907 Whet - 5962 Dhry - Boinc 7.4.42
2217u - 2295 Whet - 5423 Dhry - Boinc 7.6.6
That is about a 20% increase in the whetstone score from all three? I don't understand how a different version of boinc could increase this cpu benchmark score. Hopefully it results in more ppd.
edit: I have now collected boinc benchmark scores on all my systems that are with me at home. The scores are odd to compare.
Cpu, Whetstone, Dhrystone,
3570k, 5591, 13396,
2500k, 4758, 26248,
G3258, 3975, 13382,
g1620, 3418, 18256,
The Whetstone numbers seem to correspond with expected performance, but not as much as I would expect. The Dhrystone numbers make no sense.
Also, in testing all this. On windows and linux mint the scores jump around about 1-5% each time I run the benchmark. On my 2500k ubuntu server system the scores are exactly the same each time I run it. The ubuntu server system is running headless, meaning no gui or desktop. I am guessing that nothing else is fighting the cpu. Just an example of how such a system may get more performance than a desktoped system.