@Jetster I love the cat, but it looks soft. Was it shot wide open? Or was it just the lens?
Either way, softness is great at times. I had a shot of one of my NF-F12s that was intentionally soft.
This is actually one of the very first two photos I tried Lightroom with.
What do you think? Isn't it too dark, or aren't the colours a bit off? I like the dark look, but I am not sure if I am doing it corectly.
Either way, RAW be praised! I'd instantly throw the photo away if I shot it as jpeg.
Looks promising, but things do look a little dark. Maybe you could just make it a bit brighter. Colours look good.
Be careful with RAW. I personally find that colours can suffer when I shoot RAW (which is 100% of the time now). Some people convert to RAW and fall into the habit of relying on PS or LR to fix their mistakes when shooting. This is a dangerous mistake. RAW may offer an undo-able alternative to JPEG, but always strive for the best photo. That way you can truly look back on your JPEG days and admire the progress that you have made.
I don't know about Lightroom because I used LR for a total of 2.5 days; I use PS CS6 full-time and I absolutely love the RAW editor to pieces.
On a side note, does anyone know of a good, cheap tripod I can get? I don't need a lot of length, I just need it to be sturdy. Most of the time I'll have it set up on a table or chair anyways for photographing my rigs.