Playing Grey Goo on between Elite Dangerous bouts.
GG has a dumb name...but is a really good RTS more in a classic vein. Especially since folks from Westwood Studio regrouped...aka Petroglyph, were the ones behind this title. It kinda flew under the radar for me...launching with a $50 price point but appeared to be almost of AAA quality...yet not being known even with decent reviews I waited. It is finally on sale...and I grabbed it. It's more challenging than expected and so far the races all seem to have different tactics and abilities and overall feel which makes them a pleasure to play.
Limited zoom is mildly annoying, I guess that's what I get for getting used to SupCom 1 and 2, PA and Titans, Ashes, etc...overall is great fun and addictive. Anyone looking for a really good classic RTS experience modernized should look into it, I have only played skirmishes, and the AI is no slouch. Though I learned a few things to get my eco booted a little more quickly which allowed me to pull out a win my second skrimish. Time to go try single player mode.
Elite has really been enjoyable lately and I'm also thinking about firing up Evochron Mercenary again...never did try that since I got the pro throttle. There's a new one in development hyped about that...eagerly awaiting Vice to make the announcement. That or I might try and become a beta tester when it makes it that far. Looking very much forward to this one.