Can't wait for Fallout 4! Might even pre-order, haven't done it like never. My only concern is the main quest, was disapointed with F3 & Skyrim, excluding that hyped!
Amazed seeing people complain about bugs in F3 & Skyrim as I didn't experience any as far as I can remember, ran completely fine. New Vegas was a different story, lots of crashing, loading times becoming longer the longer you play, floating NPC's..
Go back and try FO3 again now. I'll wait.
Let's review.
1) The game has a tendency to crash, if your processor has more than two threads. The "fix" for this is to alter the .ini to limit hwthreads to 2.
2) Rendering. I'm on a 3930k and 7970 combo now. After running it for 48 hours on a mild overclock (4.2 GHz), I'm reasonably sure that the system is solid. Despite this, I have to set water options to low, or the game crashes.
3) Mod load order in FO3 is critical. I had the mods loading in alphabetical order, and the game just didn't want to run. Once FOMM was running, Fallout 3 finally ran.
4) Random CTD. You try and enter a new area, and without rhyme or reason the game crashed.
5) Bugs, bugs as far as the eye can see. Stuck inside rocks, phasing through scenery into the void, physics just being wrong. All are hallmarks of FO3.
6) Everything else. AI that lacks the I, enemies that aren't tough as much as bullet sponges, and crap that is quest related falling through the floor when you pick the thing next to it up.
In contrast, New Vegas:
1) Loading time still increases as you go on.
2) Punishing learning curve.
Finally, Skyrim:
1) Atrocious interface for PC users.
2) Meh visuals, and occasionally broken radiant quests.
I'm not telling you these games released like this, only that this is how they play now. Fallout 3 sucked, and still sucks. After 7+ patches it still has underlying issues that I've only been able to fix with the community mods. New Vegas is a bit broken, but not even enough to warrant anger. Skyrim runs now, but it took an enormous amount of patching. Zenimax has never released a game with a tolerable level of bugs at launch, and they always spend time post-facto upgrading it. They have the same basic engine as a decade ago, with visual upgrades. Tell me, what other studio do we let release buggy games, after more than a decade given to get the thing running right? I'm not even asking for quests to be scripted and run right 100% of the time, I'm demanding that mammoths don't fly and I only see the desktop when I am done playing for the night.
Curse you grammar. Minor edits to spelling.
I guess I get to eat my words.
Once you've scoured the entire Mojave, and get to New Vegas, the game starts to suck hard. Constant crashing during loading screens, followed by being unable to talk with traders, and rounding out with AI that suddenly has decided to lick the lead wall paint.
I'm wrong. New Vegas is as buggy as 3, it just takes much longer to get there. Sigh.
On that note, not trusting 4 until the first two DLCs or more come out.