Well, for me it is. Found the crafting system too much of a hassle with little reward.
The same crafting system from Fallout 3?
The only difference being both more things to craft, and more use for those items which could be crafted?
What about the dichotomy of "small" and "big" guns. How about the inability to repair certain weapons because for some inane reason there was one of them in game. Or maybe perhaps having such a limited amount of ammo, while enemies constantly scaled up in health? What about there only being one NPC (prior to the DLC) who could really fix anything in the wasteland (that 15-20% fix was bull crap).
I'm sorry, but the only way 3 surpassed New Vegas was in bug hilarity. You've got some rosy glasses to say otherwise. If you don't believe me, go back and play them again. I am inside New Vegas, after completing 3, and there's no contest. If you'd like to argue, then make it about your perception. Stating that, as a fact 3 was better because it pioneered systems is foolish. By that logic, you should prefer System Shock 2 above any of the Bethesda Fallout games. All of the mechanics found in Fallout 3 were pioneered there.
Sorry, back on topic. That list of bugs is pretty generous. Perhaps, now that Bethesda is confirming them, somebody would like to tell me I don't have any clue as to what I'm talking about?