I am still actively wondering what Windows 10 is going to really bring for me at this time. I'm still happily on Win 7 right now, and as a desktop user I really don't see what I'm going to gain.
Faster boot? from 7 to 6 seconds maybe...
One Windows? I only have my PC with Windows, so screw the integration
DX12? I still see daily issues popping up related to new drivers and games, and zero to a max of 5-7% performance gains across the board is not worth running into issues for
What's left? Oh yeah. MS Telemetry BS, Cortana carrots to seduce me into keeping a keylogger active on my system, Windows Update System takeovers, stripped advanced user features and totally breaking SecuRom-related and tons of other older DX-based games, denying the use of legacy features and software...
Windows 7 it is. As shitty as Windows 10 is looking now, I may even keep Windows 7 beyond the support it has and get some 8.1 upgrade someplace if I really need to. And after that.... I am praying Valve has brought Linux/Steam gaming to a point where I can say this piece of junk goodbye forever. Gabe was right. Windows is a steaming pile.