Just finished playing three games that I got during the recent sales, Star Ruler 2, Mount and Blade Warband, and Rome 2 Total War Campaign.
Star Ruler 2 is a great 4x space game, the game play is unique and combines many great aspects of other 4x games like sins, galciv, etc. Mechanics are simple and not a lot of micromanagement is needed, unit/fleet control system is also the best i've seen in all rts 4x games. You only need to manage fleets, not single ships that you make individually and manually group into fleets. Fleets are automatically created once you construct flagships and you can set them to automatically build smaller ships.
Mount and Blade: Warband is a gem, I just got it during last winter sale and it's super fun playing it, you get to make your own story and choose your own path, the game is the ultimate medieval rpg sandbox game (with empire/kingdom management in the later stages). It's like Medieval Total War but you control a personal character instead of a faction, and you start as a nobody.
Rome 2 Total War is also a great game after all the patches it's been through, just finished a grand campaign and it was a blast.
I also bought Rainbow Six: Siege and it's a great game to play with friends.