Very awesome, well done! It really looks good!
I love the color scheme and everything, looks like a beast rig
it should serve the End user VERY well.
From what I've been told, Coding & Gaming will be the two most prominent uses that this PC will be engaging in. IMO , it should serve quite nicely to that end.
For those who are interested in numbers...
The Distilled Water in the loop rested @ right around 41C ,with 100% sustained usage on Both the GPU, and CPU, for roughly 1.5 Hours.
CPU was 38C @ 100%
GPU was 41'ish C @ 100%
The front Separated segment of the case that houses the HDD's, and other storage components, there is a convenient Fan placed right @ the bottom, JUST under the lowest most HDD cage...IT surprisingly pushes a good deal of cool air up. which is then Grabbed by the Triple 120mm/RAD that is mounted on the inside of the main bay( the HDD front section, and the Main "motherboard" section ARE separate, but it isnt a solid wall, its just cut outs, and air filters, between the main bay and front Storage bay). For those who might have been curious.
Air flow is great in this puppy, certainly COULD be much better with the proper amount of time, and love put into it, especially if one were to purchase items specifically meant to fit this build, a REAL beast could be born

thanks for ALL fo Your donations, and patience while i put it together, I am currently awaiting the shipping lacels to send it out to the Winner