I know how degradation of electronics and chips work. However saying that Crosshair boards are 'shit' or are unable to to provide 220w of power sounds bs to me. There are alot of people hitting 4.4GHz on 8350 chips, or sometimes even higher. If those oc's would be bad in general there should be some users complaining by now about degredated motherboards or chips.
The danger with oc'ing is that on some Crosshair boards, whenever you raise the CPU core voltage, it tends to raise the CPU/NB voltage 'automaticly' as well, which is killing the CPU actually. You really need to check and set things up manually before going for high clocks on chips.
as for the crosshair boards, make sure the PINS and contact with NB is alright, and you have a steady platform to work on. See
http://www.madshrimps.be/articles/a...-AMD-890FX-Motherboard-Review/4#axzz4Ai7uAxaM for example, tip 5.
There's alot of info to be found on certain crosshair boards, which when tweaked are just perfect.
I have this combo for over a year and i am running 24/7 with this system. There has bin no strange shit going on and i'm pretty much confident in asus products by now.