I spent last Saturday at a fund raiser for
Faith's Lodge (fund raiser was called Hope Rocks). Granted it's not something to benefit cancer people, but it's close in nature. Idea behind Faith's Lodge is for families that lose young children to help cope. In all, from donations and the live/silent auction, over $120K was raised for Faith's Lodge (yeah! good news!). This money is used to help absorb costs for families that couldn't normally afford to visit.
Close friend of mine, him and his wife lost their first baby at 6 days old, but they went on to try again and have a kid that's 6 years old. My younger brother and his wife also lost their first child at birth (they haven't tried again yet, not sure if they will or when they will due to the problems his wife faced, they may both be scared another pregnancy could end poorly for her....he won't say anything for certain about it) just over 2 years ago. These were the worst 2 funerals I have ever attended

and wish to never do a child's funeral again.
My friend and his wife, they live close to Faith's Lodge, and they dedicate a lot of time and energy to it (one of them even works there now). They also created a non-profit organization in memory of their lost boy and it's called River's Rally. They've been doing that for the past 5 years. My wife and I go to
River's Rally every year and we've attended Hope Rocks the past 2 years. We're not rich (damn near broke most of the time), but we help where we can.
My wife and I (along with our close friends that lost their baby) have been trying to convince my younger brother and his wife to check out Faith's Lodge to help them with the hard days (mother's day, father's day and specifically Grace's birthday), but they're kind of reluctant.
So, if any of you kind folks here on TPU have a family that's lost a baby/child or have a baby/child that's terminal, tell them about Faith's Lodge. It may be something that can greatly help these people cope.
As for Moar's mom - best of luck to you guys. Hopefully things turn out well.