I haven't read anything above except pieces but as a sniper I am constantly on the move and taking flags etc.
I started playing recently, mostly been doing TDM and some Domination. I like Domination, where there are no tanks and shit. Feels more balanced and fun imo. That being said, it seems like everybody has better weapons than me and can shoot faster/better/more damage etc. I am level 4 or so and getting matched with people who are 50 - seems like a lot of their winning is just having better weapons.
The starter weapons (excluding scout) are in general pretty mediocre. Unlock strategicly. When you start, pick a class and play it until you have a full kit you are comfortable with. Don't bounce around classes early on, as you will spread your warbonds too thin. If you don't know what to get follow this basic guide:
All classes:
The 1911 is one of the better pistols, stick with it as long as possible to prioritize other unlocks.
Assault :
Starter is the mp18, with this gun the general rule is shoot first or die.
Unlock the automatico ASAP, it takes a lot more skill to use but it is supirior in almost every way. Storm is the best variant, but all 3 are devastating. The a10 is by far the best shotgun, the others are fun, but not worth your money this early. For gadgets stick with AT grenades and the AT rocket gun. Forget dynamite.
Unlock the Madsen MG immediately. It can be frustrating to deal with the limited FOV, but it is head and shoulders above the other early unlocks. Further on, the mg15 is a good pick for a more traditional (campy) support role, but for agressive ptfo, the BAR and the madsen are the only competitive options.
For gadgets airburst mortar and ammo bags/crate
The cei rigott is an inferior gun, but you have no better options early on. Make sure to set it to full auto and pkay very aggressively. It's performance at range is abismal. Despite what some might say, you can do well with this gun. it was one of my fastest primary service stars.
The mondragon and sebeblaster are the guns to get. However yoyt going to have to grind for them.
Med crate/bag and revive needle, of course.
I strongly recommend keeping this kit completely unchanged until you have enough seat time to understand what ypu want from your rifle. There really arent any bad sniper rifles, each one has its own purpose and you need to find what your style is first.
My personal picks are the Russian 1895 sniper/infantry and the gewer 98. I was not overly impressed with the SMeLly, but it is very popular and statistically one of the most versatile rifles.
Keep your stock gadgets, use your spot flares relentlessly. Don't try to tear down vehicles with K bullets, use them to distract and misdirected armor away from assault teamates so they can take it out.
This is the first class that you may consider changing your secondary. The 1911 is good, but as I stated above, the frommer stop may as well be a primary. There are equivalent high ROF pistols for every class, but recon stands to reap the largest benafit.
For every single class, your fastesy path to ranking up is to ptfo, even at the cost of a posotive KD. A flag cap is worth more than a few kills.
If you can't find a squad that is keeping orders updated continuously, create your own. You still gain points even with no squadmates, if you can't flag cap at a solid rate, place defensive orders on the flag that is least likely to be captured. Simply maintaining that defend order (make sure to renew it every time it expires) will net you and your squad upwards of 4000 points per game. (Using the average time a game of conquest takes)