If there's one thing I hate about the UK, it's how fucking filthy it is. I have to wipe down every exposed surface in my room from the monitors, to the lamp, to my comp (fortunately not the inside thanks to Demciflex), to my external SSD, to the printer, to the desks and cabinets,
every 5 days. Precious keebs are saved only by me covering them up with the carrying sleeves every night. It's driving me up the wall [through the ceiling and exploding out the chimney]. And I know it isn't me (the
"99% of dust comes not from carpet but from your own dead skin cells" is utter bullshit), as it happens only whenever I'm in the UK. My flatmates' and friends have the same thing, except they don't even care enough to wipe it down? Result?
White printer?
Grey printer.
It's not even a carpet problem. My house back home is carpeted. I've lived in carpeted homes for most of my life. Yet, at home I'd be compelled to wipe down things every 3 weeks or once a month. Here I do so less than 1 week after I last wiped. At home, I'd blow out my PC maybe once every half a year. Here, I do it every 2 months and that's
with dust filters sealing every possible opening, 24/7.
It's not even an old house problem!! Every part of the flat has been renovated over this summer; new carpets, new furniture, new windows, new appliances, new paint, new everything. I hoover every weekend and it just keeps coming back like the plague.