I manage to work without sharing anything about my personal life beyond that I love coffee, work hard, and am willing to find the answers or figure a problem out. I'm an ordained minister, but am now atheist, single father of two living with my current SO, smoke some, drink, and generally don't give two squirts of piss about what others do with their genitals unless it involves me somehow. So while its great that AMD is this awesome, and I gladly support the right person for the job, identity politics needs to die, identity has no place in the professional world, and you can be a special snowflake on your own time, and all your "endearing quirks and traits" annoy other people and cause the issues. No one cares if you like to roleplay cats or baby when you get home, but meowing during a meeting is unacceptable, shitting/pissing your diaper and crying when entering data is unacceptable, and if you want to talk about your sex life out loud you should be reported to HR just like everyone else. Be a special snowflake, just like all the other special snowflakes, but do it elsewhere.
Work = work.