I just skipped the epilouge tbh. I just couldn't bear the stupidity of what they made of the story. OK, stupid is probably unfair, but ... it would have been better if they for once skipped on the entire "OMG THA UNIVERSE WILL KAAAABBBLOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!1!!!!11!!!" drama. I liked Wings of Liberty the best because at its basis it was the campaign with the narrowest narrative. It was the most human. "Yeah but Zerg isn't hoooman duuurrgghhhhh" I can hear someone say, but screw you. The Overlord worked excellently because of that fact, but Kerrigan is very much human. "BUT SHEE'S EEVOOLVDEEH", and again, shut up, fictional Internet dweller. That was actually my problem with Heart of the Swarm. She just went "AARRRGGHHHH" and just discarded everything without much reason and went back to the Zerg and just accepted everything. "But Frick", someone with sense might say, "This is an RTS. Not an RPG." To that the reply is - again - "Shut up" followed by "So?", not necessarily in that order. Shadow of Zeratul or whatever the campaign was called (yes, I just quoted the title of it) ... I honestly don't even remember much of. It was probably fun and well made, and I conceptually really like the Protoss, but I don't like how it's always about the universe is at peril, or whatever. They were actually nice in the first game that way, they were essentially racists dicks there. That was nice.
In short, I really, really, really think they should have stayed off the universe is doomed drama. I am sure it would have worked without the tentacle beasts even being revealed. That Amon or whatever was in the game I was completely fine with, an old fellow from the super advanced race turned insane is classic material, but they really should have stopped there IMO.
BTW, the rant is not directed at anyone in particular.