You mean 2189MHz max boost?
No i meant 2303 MHZ (pascal goes up in 13 mhz increments) so 2303 MHZ ;-)
I am rock solid stable at 2265 MHZ. Stable at 2277 mhz. Managed an OCCT run (with FPS limiter enabled) at 2190. And i got a few seconds (non stable) run at 2303 MHZ (long enough to say I broke through, maybe) ;-)
All only possible due to the chiller. Before the chiller i was only semi-stable at anything over 2151 MHZ.
As a sub zero bencher for more than a decade, I'm gonna give you a little lesson right now. That frost/ice you see on your board is only on the surface. It doesn't go all the way to the board. Components on the board make enough heat to keep whatever's around them in a liquid state. Doesn't matter how minute it is, it's still wet.....and conductive. That is why you insulate.
I hear what you're saying.
@Mr.Scott got to -20 using the same model of chiller
I'm interested in the comment you made earlier about pointing an extra fan.
However the compressor is actually cold (with frost appearing on the bottom of it) not warm...
(at low temps) just wanted to know if you wanted me to aim the fan at the compressor (knowing it would travel through the unit helping the fan on the Condenser), but save explaining all that, you just asked me to point a fan at the compressor?
Then again; you did mention the compressor getting warm; which it was not...
I also recall (faintly); when first begun this little journey a few months ago and you mentioned having the same model as me (or did have at some point).. was that just a Hailea (maybe a more powerful one) or was it the Hailea HC-500a? Can you recall whether your model used the newer more environmentally friendly R134a gas or the older R22?
The reason I'm curious; is because I have enjoyed this journey. But I don't want it to end here.
I either need to find a way to get -20 out of my Chiller; or go on and begin researching something else....
Where did you go after your Chiller experience? What was the next step for
As a new "bencher" I can't get to -10 and just stop...
But I also only paid £200 for my Chiller. I'm willing to spend that again.. maybe a bit more... but nothing insane.
I don't have any friends who work in the air-conditioning industry.