Right....to almost complete the shitiest customer service experience i have ever had the misfortune to be involved in. I am not going to repeat the whole sorry saga but we finally have a phone (as you may be aware.)
My daughters missing phone.....Chapter 8
Now to the matter of the compensation being offered to me by samsung. I havent actually asked for anything but i did explain that their shoddy goods have left me with a phone bill fora phone that was in their care for 2 months.
JOY OF JOYS.....they are sending me £ 50.00 worth of Amazon vouchers.....a piffling sum compared to the inconvenience they have caused and the time, effort and expense i have wasted in chasing them for their inefficiencies.
Guess what? ...........one final kick in the teeth from their inept customer service dept. in Sheffield..... " they will arrive by post and will take several weeks to arrive"
When i was told this i quizzed the operative a bit as to her definition of "several" Turns out in sheffield several means two, so i said to her "so you mean a couple of weeks" i.e. a couple is two. No she said it will take several weeks......................i then gave her my definition of "several"
few.................3/ 4 or 5
several...........6/7 or 8
so i then asked her....which will it be? 2 or 8 ?
it all got a bit confusing for her at that point as she couldnt answer my question. As i always do, i asked her " if you were a customer would you be happy with that as an answer?" she then got a bit flabbergasted and kept repeating " i dont know " so i took her name , which seemed to upset her . I then asked to speak to a manager in the building ( i named 4 of them) and she denied knowing any of them
My parting shot was. " i'm not sure if i mentioned it but....i record all calls for training purposes".......
These are all the people i have spoken to by chat, email or phone at samsung sheffield.
Liam twice
Anrar 4 times
So, in summary
the phone worked properly for 3 months....when they lost it ,it took 8 weeks for them to supply a replacement and it could be anything up to 8 weeks before we receive the vouchers.
I could be really rude about them now but im going to leave it with this--------------- samsung customer service dept. especially the " alternate resolutions" department are a bunch of wankers and despite liking their products i will not be buying any more of them.
Any member here has my permission to punch me in the face if i ever buy another samsung product.