Any body playing still? I am stuck and can't find a way to go, I guess I'll look towards the minute men or the brotherhood of steel.
I had a bad crash last year and lost hours and hours worth of progress, which put me off playing. I patched up the game recently to the latest version, refreshed existing mods to new versions, added some new mods and picked up where my last working save was.
I have been enjoying it very much and with the release of Nuka World, I decided I am going to convert to a Mad Max style character.
Most of the armor pieces and mods I need or believe I need are now stored away and are ready to be put together to complete the sets and make the conversion from nice suburbanite to ravenous wastelander (whom by the way says the Mad Max reboot was a terrible film).
However before I do that I have some missions and quests I want to tie up and finish first. And during those I do not want to go full raider just yet.
I am having a problem with ...
A ) Companion mod that makes them use the weapons I give them at appropriate ranges. More smarter companions and Better Companions should handle this each in their own way, yet fail to do so. Also adding Companion infinite ammunition mod to More smarter companions, has not worked either as they keep using the one ammunition I give them.
B ) Stealth. As far as I have experienced, stealth is determined by visual and sound.
- Visual reduction can be addressed by :
- Staying in darker areas
- Being out of direct line of sight of a npc
- Using armor mods such as Chameleon and/or a mod like Better sneaking
Once you are stationary, you can become virtually invisible in the right conditions.
Sound is more difficult to manage and more important to the overall stealth mechanic because results will be determined by how you manage your approach to an enemy, target or location. You can address this with :
- The Muffled mod on armor, which reduces the sound you make in motion
- The weight reduction mods which are supposed to make you less noisy
- Sneak perk (at least to rank 4)
What I cannot seem to verify are :
- Do you still require Muffled mods/armor if you have Sneak rank 4 or greater?
- Does lower weight definitely affect noise and consequently detection levels?
- If weight is a factor, is it weight in lbs/kgs or is it by armor class (light vs sturdy vs tough)
- If weight is a factor in units (i.e. lbs/kgs), is it total equipped armor weight, total equipped item weight (all items, armor+guns etc.) or everything on your character?
This is important to me because I want to really understand and therefore build the right equipment set for this 'raider' character, which means I do not want a full on Stealth player - some of it will be walking up to people and barb wire batting them in the face...shades of Negan. I can't be the only one that named their slugger
Lucille right?
What I want is a road leather, light weight styled, some what durable yet strategic when needed melee character.
If assuming armor weight does affect sneak, then is it better to use Raider Tough armor with Dreadnaught + Ultra Light weight mod to get the durability + weight reduction, or Raider Light armor with something else, such as Lead lined?
Or do I just drop my armor pieces and use the underarmor/clothing + ballistic weave MK V to offset any durability loss, while naturally reducing weight?
Glad to see people still playing this. I actually hope they do not release another Fallout or TES for a few more years at least - let the mod community continue to make this and Skyrim into awesome long lasting and highly replayable titles.