If you look at that this way, then you can also say two cores are enough for 95% of the people ...
Id disagree there... especially if they game as there are some titles out which REQUIRE more than two threads. If they don't game and its an internet/email PC, then yes, a dual will be fine for most.
Valy... just stop... please. Try rendering at the same time you game and see how that works out.... either your gaming experience will blow, or you won't render near as fast. I mean come on... think!!
A dual or quad core is more than enough for peoples needs then if that's the case... I mean it seems like you're taking this personally (imo anyway but that might not be the case) cause you have an i7, who cares if it gets beaten by amd or not if it's sufficient for your needs?
Take this personally?? Nope. I could also give two shits about what i own and justifying against whatever AMD has out there. I think I was pretty clear on that? FFS, I even mentioned what I had (was 'free') and that I would sell it if I could (but can't).
What does get annoying and personal is when people respond like this, completely missing points I intentionally made to separate myself from what I own...as I knew someone would look and say something asinine like that, lol!