To be fair, his title has a question mark and therefore he is not making any statements or arguments, he is asking a question, well that's what a question mark meant when I was at school, to be fair that was many many years ago I may be behind the times. All that is left from that is his purpose, is it to create drama or to gain feedback and further information.
Hence I used the word "hinting".
Its honestly a pretty basic technique to plant an idea, but in the end and with the "proof" provided its deliberately (or not) misleading.
Not much different from the much used Fox News technique of saying "some people say" instead of "I think" because when you say "some people say" it suddenly seems like a common consensus and so it seems true/have backing when its just all a load of nothing.
Obama wiretapped Trump?
Nvidia spying on AMD again?
Ford killing millions?
America responsible for terrible suffering in China?
Is TPU being paid by AMD for favored reviews?
"what? Im just asking questions, its perfectly innocent"
Hell this can often also lead to carreers ending, the mere idea/hint that someone might be for example a child molester, even though they are cleared well and truly can and has completely ended people.
But hey, if TPU is fine with this, so be it, if the forums will devolve into more of this nonsense because of this pass given, so be it.
lastly, with you end sentence you are basically agreeing its just clickbait, making the story seem far more interesting then it is purely to get reactions that the story by all accounts does not deserve.
Thats exactly what clickbait is (for).