I've got a USB camera device with a broken ribbon cable, between lense and board, which was stuck down and has been lifted up. This has broken a bunch of the connections betwen lense and the board. Any suggestions for how to fix it? It's really small, that's the main problem. The width of the orange cable, where the connections are, is about 12mm. It's a really cheap camera but I want to have go at fixing it.
If it doesn't work, it won't be a surprise, but I want to have a go: So, how might I be able to do it? I've tried just holding it down really rightly, it might have slightly helped/changed the image captured, but it was still totally broken really.
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I've got a USB camera device with a broken ribbon cable, between lense and board, which was stuck down and has been lifted up. This has broken a bunch of the connections betwen lense and the board. Any suggestions for how to fix it? It's really small, that's the main problem. The width of the orange cable, where the connections are, is about 12mm. It's a really cheap camera but I want to have go at fixing it.
If it doesn't work, it won't be a surprise, but I want to have a go: So, how might I be able to do it? I've tried just holding it down really rightly, it might have slightly helped/changed the image captured, but it was still totally broken really.
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