Discredit what exactly? Do you think I'm never wrong and that I never admit it? Go F off. Yeah, I automatically forgot that dropped frames are still rendered, just not displayed. Shit, look, I've admitted my mistake. It's not the first time neither the last.
Will I be less of an AMD fanboy if I keep on shitting on AMD relentlessly day after day like all of you are doing and which will literally not change ANYTHING or is simple voting with wallet not enough? If you hate AMD, then buy NVIDIA and stfu already. If I want to buy RX Vega literally out of curiosity, then call me an AMD fanboy. I'm literally starting to not give a s**t anymore with every passing day of listening to all of you whining little children.
People kept pissing over R9 Fury X and yet it turned out to be a graphic card that aged just the same as NVIDIA offerings. In fact it performs better now than does NVIDIA's stuff for the most part, still jusitfying the late arrival. If it came later, that's AMD's release schedule. If you don't like it, then buy NVIDIA again. You know, it's not that difficult concept... but it gets really annoying listening to all of you whining about the same thing day after day and calling me an AMD fanboy day after day just because I'm not shitting all over AMD like all of you are.