@infrared nice job grabbing the #3 spot!
Might have to bring in some of the reserve fleet and get it back!

All I've got in reserve is the old qx9650, aside from being junk (4k ppd) it's also got no psu, hdd, case... and uses a horrendous amount of power for what it achieves lol. I'll fight you off for as long as I can though!
Oh, I'm blaming you for (nearly) killing my phone too... When you fired me up for this 3rd place battle I got an extra laptop and my sony Z2 going.. the phone was getting hot which means it throttles the charge power and it ends up consuming more than it's charging so eventually goes flat. I came up with the ingenious idea of putting some cold water in a bag with the end tied, in an aluminium tray, with phone sat on its cold waterbed. It was working stunningly well, even keeping it cool enough to hit it's fastest bin on the cpu. I turn my back for a couple of hours and evidently there must have been a small leak I hadn't noticed. All the water leaked out of the bag into the tray until the phone was totally submerged!! I came back and was horrified. I drained all the water out of my phone (was quite a lot!), and sat with a heat gun on it for a couple of hours with no success. Since I was pretty sure the phone was dead and nothing mattered at this point I suckered off the back, got the battery and motherboard out, pried all the metal cans off of the mainboard and stuck all but the battery in the oven at 80c for a couple of hours (scrubbed off a tiny bit of corrosion on the pcb too). My old man was looking over my shoulder as I'm plugging all the bits together, and i'm just telling him I'm almost totally sure it's fked when I feel it buzz and come to life! Moral of the story - be a hero like me
tl;dr version - I saved phone, better option is don't let your phone become submerged!