As an owner of the i7-7700k which I've had since January, 2017 - I can honestly say that I have had zero heat issues with it, and this is an incredibly fast processor (which I have overclocked many - many times, but have it currently running at 4.5GHz across all four cores). Mine tops out at 5.0 GHz BTW, and is very stable.
Yes I realize that many have had heat issues with their i7-7700k's (primarily when OC'ing), and I admit that I do indeed have a better than average AIO (a Corsair H115i), and great case air flow - which of course helps, but I would recommend getting a very good cooler for this processor anyway - to avoid any such problems with heat. Nip it in the bud so to speak. The key things to think about if you want to get this proc, you should have a good case with very good air-flow, and a good cooler (you don't have to get a H115i, or a NZXT X62, but I wouldn't get a Hyper 212 EVO and then complain about high temps). And hopefully you have a room with a decent ambient temp, I do - and this also helps. No question, this processor deserves a better than average cooler, especially considering all the talk about "heat issues." Better safe than sorry. Mine idles in the 20's(C) BTW, and hits mid 40's to 50C after hours of gaming. That is fine by me.
Now, if you want to run PRIME95 then yes, you might see some pretty hefty temps, but seriously - PRIME95 is unnecessary IMHO! There was a time when PRIME was the go to test and OC'ers would run it for hours and hours on end just to reassure themselves their systems and OC's were stable. I would submit to you however, that in 2017 PRIME95 it not only no longer necessary, but is way too punishing on modern procs. Yes of course we need programs like this - to test for stability, but PRIME95 is so intense, and places unrealistically heavy loads. Again, before I am attacked furiously by the hardcore OC'ing crowd and PRIME fans, this is only MHO- you guys that love PRIME95, knock yourselves out running it all night. I'm totally cool with that.
Just not for me and my 7700k. After having this hobby (buying, building, tinkering, reading with/about computers. etc..) for 20+years, I feel pretty confident that I know when my system is stable/unstable. And yes, I do occasionally stress test my rig (CPU, RAM, and GPU) usually with AIDA64 Extreme. It's just that I seldom do it anymore, usually just after making a new build or changing a major component, or if troubleshooting a friends/family's rig who is having issues (just ran MEMTEST86 overnight a few days ago for my sister's rig as an example).
But I digress, and to answer the OP's question: Q: "i7 7700K worth buying after all those Over Heats Dilemma?"
A: Yes, it is worth it. And the "heat dilemma" is way exaggerated and a non-issue for most of us. This is a great and cool running proc for me. I would even say it has been fantastic.
Do I wish Intel had used solder on KabyLake's IHS/die? OF COURSE I DO. Who wouldn't want a 2017 version of Sandy Bridge? It would be freakin' awesome. But Intel has apparently, in their infinite wisdom, given up on soldering the IHS for the non HEDT crowd.