Just started playing the sp campaign of this last night. It's a lot better than I'd anticipated. I played the tank mission first, and it's pretty good. I like the on foot sections where you have to clear out the camps in the fog, then spot, snipe, or melee to get to the spark plugs.
I'm only playing on Normal my first run through, but I've not used any lures yet. At first I kept getting spotted, but now I'm getting the hang of it. I can see a third play through if I do Hard a 2nd time with no enemy indicators.
Everything feels like WWI. Slow awkward tanks that have reliability problems, lots of muddy trenches, old dirty scopes that don't zoom, barbaric melee weapons. The icing on the cake is it's more optimized than I thought it would be.
Graphics are very good too, but the cutscenes seem a bit low in texture quality. I'm wondering if they were just softened a bit for effect, or if they rushed through them since this is mostly an mp game.
At any rate the cutscenes I feel do add to the story, and make it feel more immersive.