Mass Effect Andromeda [No Spoilers]
Many references to the trilogy. I can tell you this is a solid single player experience,since the multiplayer is "meh" at best. Therefore letting you import previous saves(decisions ) from the trilogy would have been the best thing they haven't done. You will read / hear many things about the previous characters and they are by default....just not right. Everyone has made their choices and would have been amazing for story to continue . The one thing you get to choose is if Shepard was male or female. What relevance this is, i still don't know,but very eager to find out.
Play the first few hours wondered two important things. Are the facial animations still as bad as we have seen in the begging ,and is this the most visually impressive game of all time ?
Yes the facial animations everything has been fixed.
Can not expect much from the aliens . The most you expect of the human characters. And since i played Mass Effect 1 -one time, Mass Effect 2 & 3 each three times i have much to know about facial animations. They where still even back then,but both Ashley and Samantha where amazing. Shepard's voice was back then dull, hence the face was stiff .
This time around,much more excitement and better voice acting for all around. You hear the voices of familiar actors from movies,it's fantastic while the facials are to stiff. The most you will get is from Rider, but not enough.
The faces don't look dumb anymore,and are completely in sync.
For me this is not the best visual experience in a game. I was hoping to take the Nr.1 place , but no. Witcher 3 is still the undefeated champion. Wonder when will a game come along to take the crown ?
For those of you wondering, wanting to get a new computer etc i can tell you that it does not get any heavier than this. Never tested City Skylines , but Mass Effect Andromeda did not want to run,it had 5-8 fps with heavy freezing on my old 10 year old cpu. Never have i seen a game that could not run.
On my Ryzen now, i got less than 16% usage,sometimes on 6 cores while the rest left inactive ,and after many hours of alt-tabbing etc the cpu got to 22% 8 core active. Still left with 8 cores that did nothing.
Another amazing thing, I only have 4Gb of ddr4 ram at stock freg,also running the cpu at stock. The settings are a mix of ultra and high,with only Bloom disabled at a res of 1080. With VSync on it's 60fps all the time. For some reason when i take a printscreen the fps drop for a second. With Amd Enhanced Sync capped at 73 fps even better. Would be interesting to see a Ryzen 3 performance and usage. You don't need a Ryzen7 just for gaming. You can go more on the budget,but just how low.
As far as gaming,there is not much out there for me. And not much coming till the end of 2017. If you are into landing headshots on the same map over and over again, CS or something might be more for you.
I am the tell me a story, take me on a journey,type of gamer. Look no further Mass Effect Andromeda is worth every cent and is very much that game. You immediately get invested in the sentimental story, there is huge amount of content and plenty of direct action in the no-brainer, shoot everything that moves multiplayer part.