Yeah because they openly share that information /s
you can easily figure it out... both Sony and MS have been pretty open about how much a console is costing them in total. Plus, if you've been in this game for long enough, you know almost exactly how much a slice of silicon goes for.
I do wonder though how this works, I mean mr Raja knows everything about AMD's tech and he now just goes to Intel.
Unless AMD can easily find its own tech and its patented, would this not be grounds for some sort of lawsuit?
AMD will simply watch what Intel does, and should thing infringe on their patents, they'll let it slide until Intel has made some money, then they'll sue for that exact figure Intel made (as they calculate it). This is hardly anything new in this industry.
Intel want the consoles. PC gamers are pocket change by comparison.
What you are trying to say is that that STX-form-factor board we've seen recently is the new dev platform for the new consoles? Yeah, probably likely, and if it is, AMD isn't really going to take much if any losses on that switch since their hardware is still present. This may actually benefit them, since they don't exactly make the chips for the consoles, do they? I mean, they sold designs, right?